“BRICS: New Figures at the Global Chessboard”
“BRICS: New Figures at the Global Chessboard”
BRICS Academic Forum will take place on May 22-24, 2024 in Moscow. It will bring together 200 representatives from expert society across all BRICS countries.
  • BRICS Academic Forum is a major platform for interaction between experts and scholars from BRICS countries. The Forum aims to encourage academic exchanges, to strengthen dialogue between governments and academia, as well as to provide policy advice.

    Since the establishment of the Forum, the BRICS expert community has been playing a pioneering role in calling attention of governments to the newly emerging problems and finding new solutions to persistent international issues. A number of proposed initiatives have been endorsed at the top level and accelerated the development of BRICS as a mechanism of global governance.

Goal of the Forum

The primary goal of the Forum is to present Policy Recommendations drafted by expert society members to the leaders of BRICS countries in line with the official agenda of the Russian BRICS Chairship.

Key Forum's objectives

  • 1. Debate solutions on the pressing global governance issues
  • 2. Generate proposals for strengthening the BRICS cooperation and raising its role in global governance

  • 3. Promote ties among the BRICS academia
  • 4. Assess the progress achieved by the BRICS countries on the issues of common concern
  • 5. Elaborate ways to further enhance multilateral cooperation at all levels

Thematic Pillars



International Security and Stability

Trade and Economic Cooperation

Enhancement of International Financial and Monetary Systems

Business and Investment





Food and Energy Security

Environmental Protection

Science, High Technology and Innovation


